Meet Judy Grambow
Trusted Luxury Real Estate Expert
Direct 406-203-0177
My passion for extraordinary customer service begins over a cup of coffee. I like to take the time to get to know you, your interests and what you envision in your dream property. I grew up in a small town, where my family owned a health food store. This is where I learned to hone the skills of good listening. Those very skills brought me years of experience in the retail and hospitality industries in the Pacific Northwest.
My husband, Jeff, and our two sons love to hike, and Montana’s great outdoors is a hiking mecca. Montana kept calling us to her….and we listened. We love the Flathead Valley and feel so blessed to now call it home.
Being a licensed broker in Oregon and Washington, it was a natural for me to continue in a profession I love, showing my customers the Montana that never leaves your mind. So, let’s sit down over that cup of coffee and begin your journey together….. You see, good things always happen over a cup of coffee!